Source code for svg_model.tesselate

# coding: utf-8
import types

import pandas as pd
from .seidel import Triangulator

[docs]def tesselate_shapes_frame(df_shapes, shape_i_columns): ''' Tesselate each shape path into one or more triangles. Parameters ---------- df_shapes : pandas.DataFrame Table containing vertices of shapes, one row per vertex, with the *at least* the following columns: - ``x``: The x-coordinate of the vertex. - ``y``: The y-coordinate of the vertex. shape_i_columns : str or list Column(s) forming key to differentiate rows/vertices for each distinct shape. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Table where each row corresponds to a triangle vertex, with the following columns: - ``shape_i_columns[]``: The shape path index column(s). - ``triangle_i``: The integer triangle index within each electrode path. - ``vertex_i``: The integer vertex index within each triangle. ''' frames = [] if isinstance(shape_i_columns, types.StringType): shape_i_columns = [shape_i_columns] for shape_i, df_path in df_shapes.groupby(shape_i_columns): points_i = df_path[['x', 'y']].values if (points_i[0] == points_i[-1]).all(): # XXX End point is the same as the start point (do not include it). points_i = points_i[:-1] triangulator = Triangulator(points_i) if not isinstance(shape_i, (types.ListType, types.TupleType)): shape_i = [shape_i] for i, triangle_i in enumerate(triangulator.triangles()): triangle_points_i = [shape_i + [i] + [j, x, y] for j, (x, y) in enumerate(triangle_i)] frames.extend(triangle_points_i) frames = None if not frames else frames return pd.DataFrame(frames, columns=shape_i_columns + ['triangle_i', 'vertex_i', 'x', 'y'])