Source code for svg_model.draw

# coding: utf-8
import cStringIO as StringIO

import svgwrite
from svgwrite.path import Path as Path_
from svgwrite.shapes import Polygon

from . import INKSCAPE_NSMAP

[docs]def draw_shapes_svg_layer(df_shapes, shape_i_columns, layer_name, layer_number=1, use_svg_path=True): ''' Draw shapes as a layer in a SVG file. Args: df_shapes (pandas.DataFrame): Table of shape vertices (one row per vertex). shape_i_columns (str or list) : Either a single column name as a string or a list of column names in ``df_shapes``. Rows in ``df_shapes`` with the same value in the ``shape_i_columns`` column(s) are grouped together as a shape. layer_name (str) : Name of Inkscape layer. layer_number (int, optional) : Z-order index of Inkscape layer. use_svg_path (bool, optional) : If ``True``, electrodes are drawn as ``svg:path`` elements. Otherwise, electrodes are drawn as ``svg:polygon`` elements. Returns ------- StringIO.StringIO A file-like object containing SVG XML source. The XML contains a layer named according to :data:`layer_name`, which in turn contains ``svg:polygon`` or ``svg:path`` elements corresponding to the shapes in the input :data:`df_shapes` table. ''' # Note that `svgwrite.Drawing` requires a filepath to be specified during # construction, *but* nothing is actually written to the path unless one of # the `save*` methods is called. # # In this function, we do *not* call any of the `save*` methods. Instead, # we use the `write` method to write to an in-memory file-like object. minx, miny = df_shapes[['x', 'y']].min().values maxx, maxy = df_shapes[['x', 'y']].max().values width = maxx - minx height = maxy - miny dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('should_not_exist.svg', size=(width, height), debug=False) nsmap = INKSCAPE_NSMAP dwg.attribs['xmlns:inkscape'] = nsmap['inkscape'] svg_root = dwg.g(id='layer%d' % layer_number, **{'inkscape:label': layer_name, 'inkscape:groupmode': 'layer'}) minx, miny = df_shapes[['x', 'y']].min().values for shape_i, df_shape_i in df_shapes.groupby(shape_i_columns): attr_columns = [c for c in df_shape_i.columns if c not in ('vertex_i', 'x', 'y')] attrs = df_shape_i.iloc[0][attr_columns].to_dict() vertices = df_shape_i[['x', 'y']].values.tolist() if not use_svg_path: # Draw electrode shape as an `svg:polygon` element. p = Polygon(vertices, debug=False, **attrs) else: # Draw electrode shape as an `svg:path` element. commands = ['M %s,%s' % tuple(vertices[0])] commands += ['L %s,%s' % tuple(v) for v in vertices[1:]] while vertices[0] == vertices[-1]: # Start is equal to end of path, but we will use the `'Z'` # command to close the path, so delete the last point in the # path. del vertices[-1] commands += ['Z'] p = Path_(d=' '.join(commands), debug=False, **attrs) svg_root.add(p) dwg.add(svg_root) # Write result to `StringIO`. output = StringIO.StringIO() dwg.write(output) return output
[docs]def draw_lines_svg_layer(df_endpoints, layer_name, layer_number=1): ''' Draw lines defined by endpoint coordinates as a layer in a SVG file. Args: df_endpoints (pandas.DataFrame) : Each row corresponds to the endpoints of a single line, encoded through the columns: ``x_source``, ``y_source``, ``x_target``, and ``y_target``. layer_name (str) : Name of Inkscape layer. layer_number (int, optional) : Z-order index of Inkscape layer. Returns ------- StringIO.StringIO A file-like object containing SVG XML source. The XML contains a layer named ``"Connections"``, which in turn contains one line per row in the input :data:`df_endpoints` table. ''' # Note that `svgwrite.Drawing` requires a filepath to be specified during # construction, *but* nothing is actually written to the path unless one of # the `save*` methods is called. # # In this function, we do *not* call any of the `save*` methods. Instead, # we use the `write` method to write to an in-memory file-like object. dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('should_not_exist.svg', profile='tiny', debug=False) dwg.attribs['width'] = df_endpoints[['x_source', 'x_target']].values.max() dwg.attribs['height'] = df_endpoints[['y_source', 'y_target']].values.max() nsmap = INKSCAPE_NSMAP dwg.attribs['xmlns:inkscape'] = nsmap['inkscape'] coord_columns = ['x_source', 'y_source', 'x_target', 'y_target'] line_layer = dwg.g(id='layer%d' % layer_number, **{'inkscape:label': layer_name, 'inkscape:groupmode': 'layer'}) for i, (x1, y1, x2, y2) in df_endpoints[coord_columns].iterrows(): line_i = dwg.line((x1, y1), (x2, y2), id='line%d' % i, style='stroke:#000000; stroke-width:0.1;') line_layer.add(line_i) dwg.add(line_layer) output = StringIO.StringIO() dwg.write(output) # Rewind file. return output